Il nous a semblé intéressant, à l’heure où le législateur est sur le point d’autoriser l’autocongélation des ovocytes pour toutes les femmes, de reproduire ici un article sur ce sujet, mis en ligne sur le site Web de CNN en Mars 2018 : plusieurs entreprises américaines, et pas des moindres, commencent à proposer à leurs collaboratrices de prendre en charge financièrement la congélation de leurs ovocytes, tant cette question est devenue centrale pour de nombreuses femmes. Nous voulons espérer que ceci servira d’exemple pour certaines sociétés opérant sous nos latitudes…
Time to think about family planning. You, your body, and … your employer?
Facebook made headlines when it first began comping employees for freezing their eggs, but now more companies are taking an active role in helping their workers plan and research their fertility.
Employers like Google and Apple offer full financial assistance for egg freezing. Spotify funds unlimited in-vitro fertilization. Patagonia offers childcare and family support services, opening the door for companies to take an active role in their employees’ children’s lives — from the (literal) very beginnings all the way through Pre-K and beyond.
For younger employees, the issue is only going to become more important. In one survey from Carrot, 62% of Millennial women said « they would choose a job that offered a fertility benefit over a job that did not, all else being equal. »
New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that fertility dropped for women in multiple age groups in 2017. More Millennial women are postponing marriage, but according to research from Demographic Intelligence, their desire for a family still increases — even as their ability to produce a child declines. (suite…)